La Stanza, Masterprint 24

Today we provide more details on our upcoming release: La Stanza. This game is created by two well-known designers, who designed beloved games Madeira, Nippon and Panamax: Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro and Paulo Soledade.

On their turn, players move their “Patron” through the different rooms to recruit the characters that better serve their interest along the way. Characters increase the strength of the different actions players may perform in the room they end. Commission the best artists, rediscover the light of the arts, invest in new discoveries and trading routes, promote the culture, build universities, gain the trust of Kings, and create the new wonders of the Renaissance.

If you like the cover as much as we do :D, feel free to give it a thumbs up on BoardGameGeek, such that even more people get to see it!

We won’t show you everything in the game yet, but we will reveal the player board and elaborate on its features. At the top, from left to right, there is a space to keep up to 7 colored discipline meeples, which provide more flexibility in executing actions and which are required to claim bonus tiles. To its right, there are 8 spaces to store museum tiles that you have acquired in the yellow discipline room. Farther to the right, books “written” in the red discipline room can be stored, awarding you with certain benefits.

The lower part of the player board depicts a large coin to store your money on, and to its right the recruitment row. In this row, characters that you acquire on the game board are kept, until you decide to hire them. To do so, slide a character into one spot of your choice in the lower row, paying the costs depicted above that spot. The character that is there, will be discarded. In this way, you increase your influence in a discipline, while decreasing your influence in another discipline (replacing a character with a character from the same discipline color is of no use in the game).

We will be running a Kickstarter campaign for La Stanza, starting early January 2019. For as soon the initial goal has been reached, we have a list of Stretch Goals prepared. This list includes upgrades from regular wooden discs, meeples, cubes, and cylinders to custom wooden discs, meeples, books, and pillars. Of course, there is more, but we keep that a secret for a while ;). That is it for now. We will provide more details on the starting date of this campaign and on game play over the next weeks, so stay tuned!